Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Maf 640

C)What would you do if you were Datin Timah? * Be innovative, go for incremental & radical innovations, be creative, think out of the box, invent, innovate, imitate. SHOW & TELL US WHAT YOU PLAN TO DO. If we were Datin Timah given the option whether to take up the Guardian’s offer or just sell off the business to the Watson, we will take up the Guardian’s offer rather than sell off to the Watson. This is due to the profit betterment. If we take up Watson’s offer, we can only get the short term profit and we cannot longer be in the industry.However, if we take up the Guardian’s offer, we can have the long term profit and we can sustain in the industry since the Guardian will help us in supplying our product to end customer. Furthermore, Guardian will not interfere in the management of Orang Kampung since their focused only to the product. Beside, they are willing to assist Orang Kampung in Research & Development and also production because they have the exp ertise. We can say that was the golden opportunity for the Orang Kampung to expand their market and target market.To sustain in the market, one product need to move together with the time, therefore, if before this Orang Kampung not concerned about how they package their product, now, they need to concerned since attractive packaging one of the important marketing strategy that able to catch up the customer and able to compete with other competitor’s product. Datin Timah is very conservative and holds to traditional way in making the product, so, she does not believe in revamping traditional medicine into modern pills and capsules, because according to her the purity of the traditional medicine will be contaminated with the toxic-chemicals.From our point of view, we believe that research and development team have a way how to maintain the traditional taste and benefit of the traditional medicine but still can modernized it so that it can compete with other modern medicine. Ho wever, if Datin Timah still doesn’t have faith with the team we suggest that she open an outlet in where she herself serves the product in traditional way where we believe that the traditional way is by boil the herbs and roots.


Near the end of the book the author shows the children finally accepting others as they are not for whom they want them to be. In â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird†, there are many influential figures that help Scout and Gem mature over the course of the story as they overcome daily obstacles. During the story, Gem and Scout lose their innocence and develop a sense of maturity as time goes on. When Scout arrives at school, her teachers Mrs.. Caroline Is frustrated because she already knows how to read. Scout learns that ‘It Is not always proper to say bluntly what the truth is† (Lee, 20).As the chapter continued on, Scout realizes that Miss Caroline did to mean to offend her. Throughout the story characters are Judged based on their actions. Attic's lecture's Scout on how she needs to learn how people are and not who she wants them to be. The story takes place during a time of racial discrimination. Harper Lee wrote â€Å"There is nothing wrong with defending a black ma n† (30). Prejudice Is a common problem during the early quarter of the twentieth century. After Scours tantrum with Cecil Jacobs, Attic's says to Scout â€Å"Remember It's a sin to kill a mockingbird. â€Å"(Lee, 89).Since Scout couldn't comprehend what this meant, she had a talk with Mrs.. Maude. â€Å"Your father's right,† she said. â€Å"Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy †¦ But sing their hearts out for us. That's why It's a sin to kill a 50). Boo Rudely, the mysterious neighbor, Is an example of prejudice. On page 9 In â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† it says â€Å"Boo Rudely Is an example of prejudice, he Is not accepted to society because he Is different from others, and he is an erratic 9). In the beginning of the novel Scout, Gem, and Dill all see Boo as a bizarre man who never came out of his house.As the story continued on, Scout starts to realize who he really is as she matures. She finally became aware of all the wond erful things he has done. When Scout and Gem were playing outside, Scout discovers items in a tree. The whole time this was Boo Rudely showing compassion. On page 101 it shares â€Å"The court takes a white man's word over a black mans. The Judge convicted him guilty before he even read the case. â€Å"(Lee, 101). Attic's explains to Scout that no matter what color, size, or ethnicity a person is, everyone deserves to be treated with equality.Scout matures wrought the book by finally realizing that no one or creature should be harmed for causing peace or Joy. She finally understand how society really is. The theme of prejudice opens the eyes of many characters and changes their opinion on society. Some who provide love with no limits in this novel. Overtime Scout and Gem both learn how to love people. On page 22 Scout says, â€Å"Neighbors bring food with death and flowers with sickness and little things in between. Boo was our neighbor. He gave us two soap dolls, a broken watch and chain, a pair of good-luck pennies, and our lives.But neighbors give in return. We never put back into the tree what we took out of it: we had given him nothing, and it made me sad. â€Å"(Lee, 2) This quote is in the beginning of the book when they both Judged Boo Rudely. After he gave them all of these wonderful items they finally start to realize he is a compassionate man. He is beyond lonely and Just wants someone to accept him for who he is, not what others see him as. â€Å"One time Attic's said you never really knew a man until you stood in his shoes and walked around in them; Just standing' on the Rudely porch was enough.The summer that had begun so long ago had ended, and another summer had taken its place, and a fall, and Boo Rudely had come out. Said Scout. â€Å"(Lee, 40). Scout is talking about how as she grew older she finally starts to realize what it really means to show others what it means to care. It also shows that she is learning to accept a man who is kn own to be erotic. On the last few pages of the novel, Boo and Scout are walking home. It states â€Å"l started to see another life through Boob's eyes. This quote is beyond important for how the children mature throughout the story.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

What is Chivalry Essay

What is Chivalry Originally Latin, actually spelled â€Å"caballarius† and pronounced â€Å"SHivÉ™lrē†, is chivalry. Chivalry is the combination of qualities expected of an ideal knight. Such qualities include honor, courtesy, courage, justice, and willing to assist those in need. If one is chivalrous in character, then one is a gentleman and noble in his good deeds. He would in no manner hesitate to serve others and serve his God. This is evident as Honore de Balzac puts it: â€Å"the motto of chivalry is also the motto of wisdom; to serve all, but love only one.† Chivalry, besides its original usage as â€Å"calvary,† can truly only be delineated in only one way, which is to refer to a virtuous code of conduct. There isn’t any negative connotations to the word either, unless somebody called a fellow thane chivalrous in Old Anglo-Saxon times! Other than that, the only emotional association with the word is generally positive. This noble idea of conduct is constituted of several virtues in spite of the narrow usage of the word. So, how did chivalry come into existence? Journey to the medieval times and you will discover that chivalry was once an existential characteristic of every man sworn into nobility or born into it. These men were knights. Medieval knights battled horseback and practiced outstanding gallantry. Knights were always calvary in battle, and exhibited righteous morals. A group of knights was actually called â€Å"the chivalry† of the militia. They were excelled in sword craft nearly comparable to their high level of graciousness, and could ride a horse well-nigh to the speed of which they are willing to assist a damsel in distress. Chivalry came to be known as the demeanor of an ideal knight, rather than simply a group of knights. As Chaucer puts it in Canterbury Tales, an ideal knight â€Å"loved chivalry, truth and honor, freedom and courtesy; †¦ a very gentle, perfect knight.† Whatever happened to chivalry? Certain writers may say chivalry is dead, or it might just have a bad case of the flu. As long as wrongs are still righted, chivalry will survive. Chivalry cannot and will never die out. It may become exponentially less evident everyday, but underlying all the rudeness and discourtesy, chivalry is there. Chivalry does indeed need to be implemented more and more into society. Every single man’s major desire should be to act magnanimously and reveal a generous and noble state of mind. If every man were to be genuinely chivalrous then hardly would there ever be any cheating, debt, adultery, stealing, or even bad attitudes. Each and every man would be true in their religion, honest, courteous, and would have a burning passion to do what is right. Think of that chivalry based utopian society. A world where people were more worried about humbling themselves rather than raising themselves up would be phenomenal. Modern chivalry should predominate like it did with Sir Lancelot around Queen Guinevere. Contemporary America could learn from John Bowring’s â€Å"Chivalry† poem which reads: â€Å"Now tell me what is chivalry? To battle in the foremost fight For anything—for wrong—for right, For some fair lady’s scornful smile, For what is virtuous, what is vile, Come, tell me, is this chivalry? No! in the men for truth who pant, In wretchedness and woe and want, Who bear the world’s contemptuous hate, With patient soul, with heart elate. No! in the woman in whose home No peace is found, no comforts come, Yet bends in silence,—feeling still ‘Tis God’s most kind, most holy will. This—this is truest chivalry!† Chivalry essentially is the essence of all that is good, virtuous, and holy, conglomerated into one admirably cultivated code of conduct to live by.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Attitudes to students misbehavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Attitudes to students misbehavior - Essay Example The report would investigate the students’ increasing behavioral problems through literature review and interviews of parents, teachers, pre-service teachers and non teaching friends. The interviewees broadly comprised of a father (P), a high school teacher (HT), two pre-service teachers (PT1 & PT2) and two non teaching friends (NF1 & NF2). The interviews were conducted under neutral environment where they were asked to respond on two questions: 1) Why students misbehave in classroom and outside of classroom and 2) what can teachers and school do to address students’ misbehaviour? The questions generated wide ranging themes encompassing parenting, home life, class management, discipline, boredom in classroom, lack of understanding across cross cultural segment of students etc. ADHD, learning disability etc were also issues that were raised. The report would be evaluating the findings of the interviews and efforts would be made to analyze the same with inputs from the literature reviews. The report would be adhering to the wider implications of students-teachers relationship and the teaching tools that could be used to address students’ behavioral pro blems. Parenting and home life have emerged as one of the major factors for the misbehavior of the students. All the six interviewees have reiterated that parents have little control over their children and bad parenting allows the children to misbehave with impunity inside and outside the school. As P says ‘Parents make less clear boundaries about what kids are allowed to do and what not allowed to do.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Product Launch Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Product Launch - Essay Example American Goods Wholesale Club (AGW) is a service provider and also carries actual products. Our company will tap into the market of patriotic American consumers whiles promoting products that already exist for both local consumption and export. AGW Club will provide a platform for manufacturers to display and promote their products while servicing its members with their needs. Manufacturers determine their prices but will be at a discounted rate compared to how much they will sell it to other retailers. Product owners will be paid when the product is sold. The marketing mix offers a very competitive pricing for AGW Club members, a solid medium for manufacturers and very low to no inventory cost for the company. AGW Club is situated in Virginia, United States of America. The club has also planned to expand the company in other states in the future with enhanced growth and prosperity. Moreover, the club also has an online store for providing services to members of the club across Ameri ca in a more efficient manner. Product Description AGW Club also facilitates in promoting products manufactured in America and in marketing those products to its members. Moreover, AGW Club acts as a medium for manufactures and the products are offered to the members of the club in accordance with their requirements and preferences. The products are procured from manufacturers at a discounted rate in comparison to price determined by manufacturers for offering those goods to local retailers. Contextually, it has been aimed to conduct a product launch in the emerging market of China with the motive of improving the international market exposure of made-in-America products and to enhance profitability of the club. The developing economy in China will assist the club in performing its business operations in an effective manner. Product Positioning Product positioning is the strategy of offering the products to customers in the market segments in an appropriate manner. The American Good s Wholesale Club (AGW) is required to determine the appropriate market segments where the products of the club will be mostly in demand as well as will be consumed in the market of China. The product positioning strategy will also enable the club to provide their products in the market successfully. The products which are to be provided in the market of China should be differentiated from products which are offered by competitors. The club should provide quality products which are mostly in demand by Chinese consumers due to the changes in buying behavior primarily owing to the developing economy of China as well as due to the advancement of technology. Moreover, the club is required to follow a differentiation strategy with the motive of meeting the requirements of Chinese markets as well as to perform business operations in a competitive manner. The differentiation strategy will enable the products of the club to be differentiated form the competitors as along with facilitating it to obtain loyalty of consumers. Contextually, distinct product features and unique selling proposition of the offerings need to be identified by the club in order to highlight that distinctiveness appropriately. The positioning strategy of the club needs to be maintained thoroughly and it needs to be ascertained that positioning of the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Explain the causes of European exploration and analyze the changes Essay

Explain the causes of European exploration and analyze the changes this caused in the Americas - Essay Example Due to this, Europeans wanted to figure out alternative routes in order to decrease their cost of travelling and this led to the creation of a route to Asia which passed through the horn of Africa. Before the period of Exploration, the wealth of Europeans had declined as a result of wars and in order to obtain more wealth, Europeans started exploring other nations in search of commodity such as gold and goods to trade. Exploration conducted by Europeans even led to the development of technology used for sailing, this purpose led to the development of Portuguese caravel which assisted the Europeans to travel to the middle regions of the sea. One of the main aims of the European explorers was to spread the religion of Christianity in different regions such as Asia. The Europeans of that era were highly influenced by the Roman Catholic Church and they were indulged in spreading Christianity under this church. Exploration had a series of negative and positive impacts on the Americans. The most negative impact was the death of huge number of natives as result of diseases that transferred from the Europeans to the Americans and the wars that took place between the two societies and due to enslavement of the Americans. Christopher Columbus was the one who enslaved over 250,000 Arawaks and only a total of 500 of the enslaved ones lived alive by the period of 1550. During the 15th century, horses were imported into Americas and a huge number of these horses escaped into the wild regions where they increased in number due to reproduction and soon horses became a mode of transportation for the Northern American tribes and this travel instrument helped them in trading goods and services with other tribes. The diseases that came along with the Europeans and badly impacted the people of Americas were measles and chicken pox and these diseases proved to be deadly for the natives (Goldfield, 2011,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Effects of Media on Political and Social Trust in US Article

Effects of Media on Political and Social Trust in US - Article Example From this discussion it is clear that in democratic societies like USA, media ensures the exchange of opinions and points of view between the people in power and the general public. In liberal democracy, media facilitates   public communication, informs the public, and represents the community. In democratic countries, freedom of press is guaranteed by law. The government may protect information from its public disclosure by classifying it as sensitive, classified or secret.This study outlines that people are said to have political trust when they trust the actions and intentions of the government and politicians. Uncivil exchanges during talks shows drastically reduce social trust. Talk radio can provide an unstructured outlet for public expression.  As listeners engage more and more with the medium, they become exhausted by the political system rather being motivated citizens. Thus, there is no long-term gauge on any medium to see how the media affect on trust in different time s. Social trust is a belief in the honesty, integrity and reliability of others that enables participants to act together more efficiently. Scanning the papers and watching video entertainment content enhance social trust, while examining the television news undermine trust in others.  studies have generated results that 20% of the overall public in America, have a greater impact on the political process than do those with more mixed ideological views.